This week is it all about recognising numerals and words in numbers, so taking a walk around streets and looking for letterbox numbers is a great idea. You can also point to the numbers on a calendar and ask your child to read the numbers to you, or finding particular page numbers in a book. Reinforce this numeral recognition by talking to your child about which numeral is in the units column and which is in the tens column.
When looking at numerals encourage your child to look at what is in the units place and what is in the tens place. This helps them understand place value. You can make a simple column in their maths notebook and write a “u” at the top of the right column and a “t” at the top of the left. Then, ask them to write a 4 in the units column and a 2 in the tens. What do they have? Yes, 24.
Please note: Sometimes children can get confused with the teen and – ten numbers, like discerning the difference between 18 and 80. Be sure to speak clearly as this can help and time and practice will too.